The last couple of days we spent some time at Borders, a great bookstore. You have a really broad selection of books there and a cozy coffee shop inside, where you can read or do your work. I also love Amazon. So, the following list contains books from both retailers :)
My list of great books that in my opinion really help starting your (web) business:
- Guy Kawasaki: The Art of the Start
- Guy Kawasaki: How to Drive Your Competition Crazy
- Malcolm Gladwell: The Tipping Point
- James Surowiecki: The Wisdom of Crowds
- Mark Hughes: Buzzmarketing
- Jessica Livingston: Founders at Work
- John L. Nesheim: High Tech Start Up
- Chris Anderson: The Long Tail
- Keith Sawyer: Group Genius
- Chris Murray: The Marketing Gurus
If you have read or know another must-read book, let me know!