
We build JavaScript applications

See You at d.Construct 2006

d.Construct 2006 is a one-day web conference in Brighton, England, on the 8th of September. It is organized by the nice guys from Clearleft, namely Jeremy Keith, Andy Budd and Richard Rutter.

To quote from the website, d.Construct “… discusses how new technology is transforming the web from a document delivery system into an application platform.” So it seems we’re going to be at the right place - also for (mobile) web applications!

We are looking forward to seeing many people from the atmedia event this year and we hope to get in touch with many new people in the mobile area as well.
d.Construct 2006 Logo

Review: - Personal Mobile Homepage

There are many new mobile services appearing on the web almost everyday. Here on PavingWays we are trying to keep up to date and we will review selected services from time to time. We will start with
What is tiggdo?
On you can create your personal phone’s homepage with services that provide information or news you require. Right now there are already a couple of services available, e.g. RSS feeds, maps, traffic reports, weather, stock quotes, job search etc. For all available services check out the about page on is free to use and if you are an developer, you can ask the tiggdo team to add your service.

dotMobi Switch On! Web Browsing Guides

Following our post about the dotMobi TLD, here are the rules of the dotMobi Switch On! Web Browsing Guides:
1. Mandatory Registrant Rules
- XHTML Mobile Profile
When a dotMobi web site is accessed using a URI consisting only of the second-level domain name or second and third level domain name (e.g.,, the response must be encoded in XHTML-MP (zipped .doc) unless the device accessing it is known to support an alternative choice of markup.

@media conference 2006 summary - day 2

This is continued from the post about day 1.
Panel: Cameron Adams, Peter-Paul Koch (PPK), Stuart Langridge, Dan Webb, and Simon Willison - JavaScript libraries: friend or foe?
This JavaScript experts panel discussed some advantages and drawbacks in the field of JavaScript libraries, such as the Dojo toolkit or the Yahoo User Interface Library. These libraries offer a common programming interface for JavaScript and especially AJAX, to overcome cross-browser issues and can thus greatly increase productivity.

@media conference 2006 summary - day 1

The PavingWays team was in London from June 15th to 16th to attend the @media conference 2006. @media basically is a web design conference (“Europe’s foremost professional web design conference”), so most of the talks and panels were less technical and focussed mainly on design issues. However, some speakers also talked about things like DOM scripting or bug fixing, so there was some technological input as well.

Since we try to keep the focus on (mobile) devices here, let’s look at the things that were said at @media that are relevant to us:

Here we go

So, what is PavingWays? Frankly we’re not quite sure yet, but here’s a quick list of stuff that is probably going to appear on the this page, most probably on the blog section:
  • anything that we find interesting about web applications on devices (mostly mobile ones)

Admittedly a short list, but it basically says what this is (going to be) all about.
What this precisely is or will be only time will tell. We know however that we are going to blog about anything, such as articles, press releases, tutorials and conferences in the field on mobile web applications. This can and probably will be divided into core and related technologies and topics, such as XHTML(-MP), CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, SVG and so on.

Devices and browsers themselves are also (going to be) a major topic of course, actually this will be one of the first things we will be looking at: We are planning to create sort of a collaborative mobile browser comparison chart, where we and hopefully a lot of contributors will be collecting their findings on how the many different browsers on the many devices out there are supporting the technologies that are important to us as web developers. We’ll be looking at stuff like AJAX support, but also more basic things, such as how CSS definitions are displayed (if they are at all) or even more basic if a given browser supports XHTML(-MP) at all.

We invite anybody who is interested in these things and especially in this first project of ours to join us and get in touch!

Hello World!

This is the new home of PavingWays - please stay tuned for new content, we’re already working on it.