Nokia and Facebook are in negotiations about porting Facebook on the home screen of several Nokia handsets. This deal could be huge, since Nokia is the world’s largest maker of mobile phones. Nokia already tartgeted some mobile services for their devices:
- Ovi (mobile web service)
- Mosh (mobile social network)
- Navteq (location based services)
- Universal (music)
- Avvenu (file sharing)
- Twango (media sharing)
- Enpocket (mobile advertising)
This deal could help Facebook expand in the European market. Nokia is also looking into purchasing a stake of Facebook.
Talks are still very early. A senior Nokia executive declined to go into details: “There is talk of a partnership in the works it’s safe to say we’re testing the waters and things still have to be worked out.”
So no specific details have been released yet, but maybe is right with “The giant just got bigger”.